From the 17th to the 20th November 2010 took place in Mexico City, the III World Congress of UCLG “World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders” that gathered more than 2.000 local and regional leaders from all over the world.

One of the main issues to be discussed during the Executive Bureau held on the November 17th was the renewal of mandates   of the Committees and Working Groups of UCLG for the period 2011 – 2013.

In this sense, and after consultation with the Advisory Team and the Committee of Statutory Affaires, the Presidency proposed to the Executive Bureau to recommend to the World Council the renewal of all the Committees and Working Groups that have requested it, for an additional mandate and to prepare the transition towards the transformation and reduction of the Committees and Working Groups. With this, the Committee of Digital and Knowledge-based Cities will be able to continue working for other 3 years to position local governments as leaders in the innovation processes.

The Committee also took the opportunity of the III World Congress to meet with the committee members on the morning of the 17th prior to the Executive Bureau, to discuss in a more informal way about the future of the committee taking into consideration the renewal of the committee.

During the meeting, the attendees were informed about the renewal process of the committee for the mandate 2011-2013.

The diverse activities developed during 2010 were presented: official website of the committee, the Committee Forum, the Committee TV Channel, exchange of knowledge, founds search, Observatory, etc.

It was also discussed the Next activities to be developed, among them the First Study on the situation of ICT, Innovation and Knowledge management  in UCLG´s members and the need of collaborating closely with UCLG´s World Secretariat, UCLG´s Regional Sections  and above all, the Vice-presidencies of the Committee, for the obtaining of information in their regions.

Within the proposals made during the meeting, it was transmitted the need of creating regional nodes of the committee led by the Vice-presidencies. They would be responsible of boosting the work of the committee in the different areas. These regional nodes will give support for the obtaining of information for the First Study on the situation of ICT, Innovation and Knowledge management in UCLG´s members.